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02 WRX Stock Exhaust vs. STI stock Exhaust

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:45 am
by 02SilverWRX
I happened to run across a guy who goes to class at my school and he handed me a slightly used sti stock exhaust... What is the difference between the two and would it be worth it for me to go ahead and install it tomorrow? i mean it will be free because i am doing it myself but does anybody think i will get anything positive out of it?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:27 am
by zaxrex
The STi is the larger single tip and probably has a bit less resistance to flow.

I actually like the twin tip of the older WRXs over the single tipped ones.

I don't think you would get much perceptible performance gains, but will probably change the tone/note.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 7:48 pm
by 02SilverWRX
zaxrex wrote:I don't think you would get much perceptible performance gains, but will probably change the tone/note.
Yeah I figured there wouldnt be much of a performance gain but i would like to hear a little change in tone... I plan on upgrading to an aftermarket exhaust soon anyways but hey, it will make a fun time after work to install a new exhaust system instead of just sitting at home doing nothing!